Hello Friends!We know, it has been quite a while. We do hope you are all doing well.
Just want to share some updates:
* Monday group dissolved effective June 2009 *- Since the people coming in on Mondays are composed of Connect's leaders and volunteers for the past months, we have decided to make Monday the CORE group's time for prayer and fellowship. Instead of doing it weekly, we have all agreed on a monthly (last Monday of the Month) meeting.
- But if, God-willing, people would want to have the Monday (or another day) meeting/fellowship back we will do something about it.
* April 25, 2009 - Call Center Agents' Day *- A total of 39 people were present that day.
- There were 12 people who accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
- All came home blessed upon listening and pondering on the message about "
Chasing after the wind" by Pastor Jojo Lacanilao. It is still resounding even right now, especially when he said: "
Your life has no worth if God is not in it!"
- "
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -
Matthew 6:19-21
* Weekend Growth groups & Bible Studies *-
Care-to-diall 2 meets every Saturday 9am at the Old Visitor's Center.
- Abe is the one handling this group.
- Most of the attendees/members are from TrecPacific Ortigas but is not exclusive for them, everyone is welcome.
Connect Agents' of Change (C.A.C.) meets every Saturday 6pm at room BM04.
- Rajsh and John are the ones looking after the group.
- This group is somewhat a mixed (Singles, Parents, Students) but still, majority of them are working in the industry.
- They are going through the series study on the Gospel of John.
Care-to-diall 1 meets every Sunday 3:30pm at room BM519.
- Lea is the one looking after the group, and is being helped by other members, each of them taking turns teaching.
- They are going through the series study on the book of Acts.
- This group is mostly composed of people from the industry and some college students.
* Badminton Fellowship *- Some of us (who are based in Makati) join a regular; Wednesday and Friday badminton game from 6am onwards (until tired and sleepy. hehe).
- Although this is not the official Connect Badminton Group we are praying that it will be a venue to minister to the people we play badminton with.
- As announced last April 25, you may contact John at 0921-340-1432 if you want to be a part of Connect's badminton group. Our church (GCF) is more than willing to work with us to lend us a venue/court, given the number of the participants.
* Coming up next: Agents' Day - 07/25/09 *- Do you want to know what it takes to experience a satisfying and lasting relationship? And other
matters of the heart stuff...
- It is way beyond than just being mushy, cheesy, hopeless romantic and all... There's really more beyond that!
- Our topic:
BASTA LOVE LIFE (Making Wise Relationship Decisions)
- More details to come, soon... In the mean time, save the date and make sure to set an alarm/reminder.
- We are looking forward and will be more than glad to see you there!